Monday, November 9, 2009

RJA #13a: Field Research Report

Q: Do you believe in positive or negative reinforcement with your players?

A: It is important to keep a positive reinforcement out look with your players. There are plenty of teams that are successful without the coach having to tear you down to build you back up. I think it is important to be honest with your players and real with them so they respect you more as a coach but it isn't important to go after your players in a negative way. If that is done I have seen players more often than not trying to play not to mess up than trying to play with confidence that they can be successful and believing in themselves.

Q: What is your main goal with the athletes that you coach?

A: The main goal is to give players the necessary tools and inspiration they need so that they can accomplish anything they wish to if they put there minds to it.

Q: In your opinion, what makes a great coach?

A: A great coach easily is someone who has the players best interest in mind at all times. In order to coach you have to love your players and be organized to where you can instill a sense of your own love for competing and being successful later in life

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