Monday, November 30, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #14

Casstevens, David, and Gary Mack. Mind Gym : An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print.

Dale, Greg, and Jeff Janssen. The Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches. Tuscon, Arizona: Janssen Peak Performance Inc, 2002. Print.

Martens, Rainer. Successful Coaching: America's Best Selling Coach's Guide. Champaign, ILHuman Kinetics Publishers: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1990. Print.

Michael, Angier. "Ten Ways To Encourage Someone To Be His Best." Insider Reports 2009 Web.27 Sept 2009. .

Thompson, Jim. Positive Coaching: Building Character and Self-esteem Through Sports. San Francisco: Balance Sports Publishing, 1995. Print.

Tutko, Thomas A., and Jack W. Richards. Psychology of Coaching. Boston: Allyn And Bacon, Inc., 1973. Print.

Tyson Allen, Interview. “Sally Moos, Head Volleyball Coach at Cherry Creek High School” Oct 15, 2009

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