Monday, October 12, 2009

Internet Research Project

The internet research tool I was assigned was "" The internet site was a multi-search engine. The search site's strengths were that it listed more that just result, it actually categorized the information for you. There were results listed under video, book, blogs and other sites depending on what the search entailed. One weakness might be that the result given are pretty broad. One way to improve the search engine would be to add "preview images" of the sites listed as results for what is searched. Search engines that were searched included, video sites included and blogs searched through The search engine would perform the boolean search which helped in narrowing the results. There is no advance search function which is another downfall to the website.'s goal is to use prior searches in helping other "searchers" find what they are needing. There is an option to make an account through so that you might save your results, come back to them later and share them with whomever might need the same information you were searching. Overall, the search engine is great and gives a various range of results.

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