Monday, October 12, 2009

RJA #8c: Multimedia
Keywords: ethical coaching
Search Strategies: Boolean search
Date of search: 10/12/09
Number of hits: Unknown
2 out of 5 relevance

RJA #8b: Social Media
Keywords: high school sports coaches philosophy
Search Strategies: search engine math
Date search 10/12/09
Number of hits: unknown
3 out of 5 relevance
Keywords: youth sport coach* advise
Search Strategies: boolean search
Date searched: 10/12/09
Number of hits: unknown
3 out of 5 relevance

RJA #8a: Websites
Keywords: sport coach* philosophy +ethics
Search strategy: search engine math
Date of search: 10/12/09
Number of hits: about 500,000 monthly
Relevance: 4 out of 5

Internet Research Project

The internet research tool I was assigned was "" The internet site was a multi-search engine. The search site's strengths were that it listed more that just result, it actually categorized the information for you. There were results listed under video, book, blogs and other sites depending on what the search entailed. One weakness might be that the result given are pretty broad. One way to improve the search engine would be to add "preview images" of the sites listed as results for what is searched. Search engines that were searched included, video sites included and blogs searched through The search engine would perform the boolean search which helped in narrowing the results. There is no advance search function which is another downfall to the website.'s goal is to use prior searches in helping other "searchers" find what they are needing. There is an option to make an account through so that you might save your results, come back to them later and share them with whomever might need the same information you were searching. Overall, the search engine is great and gives a various range of results.

Monday, October 5, 2009

RJA #7c: Field Research Plan

For my field research I plan to interview the head coach of the Cherry Creek High School's volleyball program, Sally Moos. She was recently feature on a series called, Coaching Legacies and has had much success in the program she has built at the school. Some questions I will be asking will include:
What is the main goal you wish to achieve with the athletes you coach?
In your opinion, what makes a great coach?
What would you say is your coaching philosophy?
In your experience with coaching, have you noticed how positive reinforcement varies
from negative reinforcement?

RJA #7b: Internet Research Tool Test

  • Resource searched:
  • Keywords used: coaching AND positive reinforcement
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): Boolean search
  • Date of search: October 5, 2009
  • Number of hits: Unknown
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 5. It was exactly along the lines of what my topic and what type of information would be relevant to my paper.

  • Resource searched:
  • Keywords used: coach* AND philosophy AND success*
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): Boolean
  • Date of search: October 5, 2009
  • Number of hits: Unknown
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 5. It lead me to a great example to fine coaching philosophies that will help me in my research.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools

The search engine that I have always used throughout all my research projects through high school and so on has been through Google. I use them because I have never had a problem not obtaining information that I have been looking for. I like the search engine because it is just really user friendly. This class has been my first time that I have probably used other search engines on purpose and have found it to be useful. The other one that I keep coming back to lately has been Yahoo, it has always been around and is popular as well. I find it to be a user friendly search engine as well. I am still starting to use other search engine's but these two are the ones I think of going to first.