Tuesday, December 8, 2009

RJA #15b: Reflection on What You Learned

This Class taught me a ton. Mainly what I got from this class is really utilizing the resources that we have available to us. I never knew how many great tools we could find to not only make our research easier for us but also to make our research more crediable. I have already showed my family that is still in school some of the ways you can really use the internet to get a lot of good sources. In my future school work I will now be able to find information I need on just about any topic with what we have learned. My favorite part of the class was all the neat tools on the internet to get information on our paper or subject.

RJA #15a: Word Cloud

My Wordle Cloud

Monday, November 30, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #14

Casstevens, David, and Gary Mack. Mind Gym : An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print.

Dale, Greg, and Jeff Janssen. The Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches. Tuscon, Arizona: Janssen Peak Performance Inc, 2002. Print.

Martens, Rainer. Successful Coaching: America's Best Selling Coach's Guide. Champaign, ILHuman Kinetics Publishers: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1990. Print.

Michael, Angier. "Ten Ways To Encourage Someone To Be His Best." Insider Reports 2009 Web.27 Sept 2009. .

Thompson, Jim. Positive Coaching: Building Character and Self-esteem Through Sports. San Francisco: Balance Sports Publishing, 1995. Print.

Tutko, Thomas A., and Jack W. Richards. Psychology of Coaching. Boston: Allyn And Bacon, Inc., 1973. Print.

Tyson Allen, Interview. “Sally Moos, Head Volleyball Coach at Cherry Creek High School” Oct 15, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

RJA #13b: Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

Rick, Albrecht. "Psychology of Coaching Motivating Your Athletes ." Michigan High School Athletic Association 21, March, 2005 Web.27 Oct 2009. .

Rick, Weinberg. "Bob Knight loses cool, tosses chair." ESPN25 85 Web.27 Oct. 2009. http://sports.espn.go.com

Richard, Sandomir. "TV SPORTS; The Evidence Arrives by Video: Knight Indeed Had a Choke Hold." New York Times section D April 14, 2000 Pg. 8. Web.27 Oct. 2009. http://www.nytimes.com

Wolff, A. "Knight fall: Bob Knight's controversial 29-year reign at Indiana came to an ironic end when he gave a student an unmannerly lesson on manners." Sports Illustrated 93.11 (18 Sep. 2000): 54-57. SPORTDiscus. EBSCO. Auraria Library, Parker, CO. 27 Oct. 2009 www.ebsco.com

Monday, November 9, 2009

RJA #12c: Introduction Check

Comments on Intro's

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan

Intro: thesis statement on how positive reinforcement coaching is better than negative reinforcement.
a. Introducing positive coaching and negative coaching

I. Introduction to positive coaching methods

a. Three essential ingredients

i. Reinforcement

ii. Instruction

iii. Encouragement

Those are my main points for the paper and I will put in positive and negative examples of each of those points.

IConclusion: Putting it all together

a. Effects of negative coaching VS. the effects of positive coaching

b. Which method works best for the athlete

RJA #12a: Progress Report

Things I have done
- Research on my argument
- outlined my paper
- found some visual aids I can include on my paper
- Starting to expand on my outline

Things I need to do
- pick out what research I will actually use for my paper
- organizing my bibliography
- Get a solid thesis statement that I feel good about.

My goal this week is to gather my sources into a bibliography. Over the weekend a plan to make a rough rough draft of my paper just to get my thoughts down on paper.
Then it is on from there.