Monday, September 28, 2009

RJA #6b: Search Strings

Coaching +Successful +Philosophy +Reinforcement +high school -Professional

(coach*) AND (Success* OR Philosophy OR Reinforcement)

(coach*) AND (discipline OR Reinforcement)

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

Author: David Parsh
Title of Article: 8 Steps to a Coaching Philosophy
Title of periodical: Coach and Athletic Administrator
Volume and issue number: Vol. 76 Iss. 9
Date: April 2007
Pages: 56
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords used: Coaching Philosophy
Search strategies: Coaching +Philosophy
Date of search: 9-28-09
Number of hits: unknown
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): it was about a 3 because it talked about how to reach a philosophy but I need a article with some results of certain coaching philosophies.

Name(s) of author(s): Vaughn, Rober J.
Title of article: Youth coaches are more important than they think they are.
Title of periodical: Coach and Athletic Director
Volume and issue number: Vol. 67 Iss. 6
Date: Jan 1998
Pages on which article appears: pg. 68
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords used: Coaching Philosophy
Search strategies: Coaching Philosophy -college
Date of search: 9-28-09
Number of hits: unknown
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): It was again about a 3 because it had what coaching philosophy was but I need results of certain coaching techniques.

RJA #6c: Protopage

My Protopage

Monday, September 21, 2009

RJA #5b: Books

The automatic citing link gave me this information on the book I had found through the auraria library.

Alberts, C.L. (01/01/2003). "Coaching issues & dilemmas : character building through sport participation." in Coaching issues & dilemmas : character building through sport participation (0-88314-902-8, 978-0-88314-902-7).

Viewed on 9/17/09

I just searched for coaching philosophy in my search sting and this was one of the hits. I don't know how many times this book has been searched but seems like it is a perfect 5 for being relevant for my topic. The searching continues...

RJA #5a: Reference Articles

I first looked at the source that our librarian had suggested. I actually came across a couple of really nice articles. One that I will come back to in doing my paper was this one listed below.

Teaching Values And Implementing Philosophies: Dilemmas of The Youth Sport Coach. By: McCallister, Sarah G., Blinde, Elaine M., Weiss, Windee M., Physical Educator, 00318981, 20000101, Vol. 57, Issue 1
Database: SPORTDiscus

that is all the information that it gave for citing it.
Viewed on 9/17/09

Monday, September 14, 2009

RJA #4c: Checking Research Questions

Joelle's Research Question

RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

Coaching +Successful +Philosophy -Professional

(coach*) AND (Success* OR Philosophy OR (Student AND Athlete*))

RJA #4a: Generating Keywords

FOrms - (Successful Coaching) Coach
FOrms- (Successful Student-Athlete) Student- Athlete

RElated terms- (Coach) Mentor, Leader, Manager, Teacher.
RElated terms- (Athlete) Student, Learner, Follower.

Synonymous Terms- (Student-Athlete) Student, learner, player, team-mate, team member.

Ladder Of Generalization- Sport, Student Sport, High School Sport, Coach, Team, Athlete, Student- Athlete.

Monday, September 7, 2009

RJA #3c

What defines Successful Coaching?

I still need to come up with a more specific topic maybe?

RJA #3b

After my initial searching of my topic of what a good coach is I know that I need to refine my question to what my paper is going to be about. I think I need to change it to more of what defines successful coaching? I just need to find the right way to word it and get a solid direction I suppose. I will have to keep searching an refining that question to my paper. I am still excited to research about coaching in general and from starting this research I have considered getting my minor in coaching on top of my Physical Education degree. We will have to see what happens.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

RJA #3a

Starting to do my search I just searched for a more specific direction that I wanted to go with my paper. I am trying to develop a question that my paper will address and follow. The first place I found when searching was a book called Sport Psychology for Coaches by Damon Burton. It was intriguing to read. It talked about developing a coaching philosophy and why it is important for coaches to do that. While talking about coaching psychology it had an interesting diagram of where you would set your priorities as a coach from excellence centered through neutral to winning centered.

The next part gave examples of where certain coaches might lie on the chart. The first coach was the legend of Bobby Knight. Though having many wins does not seem like his priorities were for his players to be excellence centered but more for the winning factor of the spectrum. The coach that they praised on was coach John Wooden, the famous UCLA basketball coach who valued development and learning over winning. Yet Wooden had a impressive coaching career with taking his team to the NCAA championship 10 times in 12 years, 88 consecutive wins, and numerous all-american and NBA players.

What gives making his players value success of the player over the success over the team? Wooden has a coaching philosophy pyramid. Building blocks on what will make a successful program. Wooden had a great quote, "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best you are capable of becoming"

I would like to stive in becoming a great coach with the right values such as John Wooden.