Monday, August 31, 2009

RJA #2c

Tyson's Delicious account

RJA #2b

I had to really think hard on what I wanted to write on. I always find that to be the hardest part about writing a paper. I decided to write about coaching and what defines a good coach. If it was the amount of wins in a season or the types of people your athletes become. I think there is give and take on both sides but there is a lot of information to gather before I get into all that.

The things I already know about "good" coaching is from being a coach myself of multiple sports. I not only had coaches my whole life playing sports but have had the opportunity to coach both girls and boys. I have seen things in my life that I don't think reflect what makes a good coach and also what helps coaches and teams thrive!

I have never really done research on coaching specifically and the traits that can make a good or bad coach. I want to see what information is out there on what successful coaching entails. I hope to become a better coach myself from researching what successful ways of going about coaching are and if there are certain things I need to stay away from with coaching styles!

RJA #2a

A topic that I have been looking into for my research paper was abortion but that can become too political. I then thought more along the lines of my major, physical education, and thought about doing discipline in the schools today. I kept thinking about it and what I could be really interested in for the semester enough to really dive into some research. I came to the conclusion that I should write about what I love doing right now; coaching!

Thursday, August 20, 2009